Which instruments can I trade and what strategies am I allowed to use?

Your trading style is completely up to you. We have no reasons for limiting or restricting your trading strategy, whether it’s discretionary trading, hedging, algorithmic trading, EAs, etc. As long as your trading is legitimate, conforms to the real market conditions and we can replicate your trades on our live corporate virtual accounts, there is no limitation to your trading style or strategy. We don’t even impose any limits on instruments or position sizes you trade. You can trade all the instruments and assets that are available in your trading platform (Forex, Indices, Commodities, Stocks, Crypto,…). You can also view the available symbols on this link. We give you complete freedom here. If your system is profitable while respecting the rules, we’re happy to see you profit with us. If you intend to use trading robots (Expert Advisors – EAs), keep in mind that if you use an EA from a third party, there might be other traders already using the same EA and therefore exactly the same strategy. By using a third-party EA, you potentially run a risk of being denied the Smart Prop Trader Account if you exceed the maximum capital allocation rule. Please note that platform servers have 200 orders at a time and 2000 max positions per day limitation, just as the limited acceptance of the server messages (orders and order modifications such as update of TP/ SL and updates of limit orders). If your EA causes hyperactivity to a platform server, we might alert you and ask you to adjust the EA logic or parameters of your strategy.

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